1. 算法简介
1.1. 引言
1.2. 二分查找
def binary_search(list, item): low = 0 high = len(list) while low <= high: mid = int((low + high) / 2) mid_v = list[mid] if mid_v == item: return mid elif mid_v < item: low = mid + 1 else: high = mid - 1 return None print(binary_search([1,4,5,7,8,33,333,445], 33))
1.3. 大O表示法
- 算法的运行时间是从其n增速的角度度量的
- 大O表示法指出了最糟糕情况下的运行时间
1.3.1. 常见的大O运行时间
- O(log2n)
- O(n)
- O(n * log2n)
- O(n2)
- O(n!) 旅行商人问题
2. 选择排序
2.1. 内存的工作原理
2.2. 数组和链表
数组 | 链表 | |
读取 | O(1) | O(n) |
插入 | O(n) | O(1) |
删除 | O(n) | O(1) |
2.3. 选择排序
时间复杂度 O(n2)
def findSmallest(arr): smallest = arr[0] smallest_idx = 0 for i in range(1, len(arr)): if arr[i] < smallest: smallest_idx = i smallest = arr[i] return smallest_idx def selectionSort(arr): result = [] for i in range(len(arr)): smallest_idx = findSmallest(arr) result.append(arr.pop(smallest_idx)) return result print(selectionSort([1,5,3,1,3,5,7,4,3,2,4])) print(selectionSort([1,5,3,345,23,12,3,4]))
3. 递归
3.1. 递归
3.2. 基线条件和递归条件
3.3. 栈
- 由于 调用栈 的存在,使用递归会占用大量的内存
- 可通过 尾递归 来优化
4. 快速排序
4.1. 分而治之
divide and conquer
- 找出简单的基线条件
- 确定如何缩小规模,使其符合基线条件
4.2. 快速排序
def quicksort(arr): if len(arr) < 2: return arr base = arr.pop() low_arr = [] high_arr = [] for i in arr: if i > base: high_arr.append(i) else: low_arr.append(i) return quicksort(low_arr) + [base] + quicksort(high_arr) quicksort([1,2,33,43,3,9,2,3,1])
平均情况(最佳情况) O(n * log2n) 最差情况 O(n2)
4.3. 再谈大O表示法
5. 散列表
5.1. 散列函数
- 相同的输入,相同的输出
- 不同的输出,不同的输出
- 只返回有效的索引
5.2. 应用案例
5.3. 冲突
解决冲突的一种方式:对于冲突的key, 其value 储存一个链表,链接的节点储存 K/V
5.4. 性能
散列表(平均) | 散列表(最差) | 数组 | 链表 | |
查找 | O(1) | O(n) | O(1) | O(n) |
插入 | O(1) | O(n) | O(n) | O(1) |
删除 | O(1) | O(n) | O(n) | O(1) |
- 较小的填装因子
- 较好的散列函数
5.4.1. 填装因子
一旦填装因子大于0.7, 就该调整散列表的长度
6. 广度优先搜索
6.1. 图简介
6.2. 图是什么
- 图模拟一组链接
- 图由节点和边界组成
6.3. 广度优先搜索
- 从节点A出发,有前往节点B的路径吗?
- 从节点A出发,前往节点B的哪条路径最短?
6.4. 实现图
- 可以用散列表实现图
- 有向图的边为箭头,箭头的方向确定了关系的方向
- 无向图的边不带箭头,其中关系是双向的
6.5. 实现算法
from collections import deque graph = {} graph['you'] = ['alice', 'bob', 'claire'] graph['alice'] = ['job', 'claire'] graph['claire'] = ['marry'] graph['marry'] = ['mark'] def is_seller(person): return person == 'mark' search_queue = deque() search_queue += graph['you'] print(graph) def search(search_queue): searched = set() while search_queue: person = search_queue.popleft() if person in searched: continue searched.add(person) if is_seller(person): print('find seller') return True elif graph.get(person): search_queue += graph[person] return False search(search_queue)
时间复杂度为 O(V+E) V为顶点数,E为边数. 执行了 E 次遍历 和 V 次添加队列操作
7. 狄克斯特拉算法
7.1. 使用狄克斯特拉算法
- 找出最便宜的节点
- 对于该节点的邻居,检查是否有前往它们的最短路径,如果有,就更新开销
- 重复该过程
- 计算最终路径
7.2. 术语
7.3. 换钢琴
7.4. 负权边
- 没有负权边
- 对于处理过的节点,没有前往该节点的最短路径
对于有负权边的,可以使用 贝尔曼-福德算法
7.5. 实现
def find_lowest_cost_node(costs, processed): lowest_cost = float('inf') lowest_node = None for n in costs.keys(): if n not in processed and costs[n] < lowest_cost: lowest_cost = costs[n] lowest_node = n return lowest_node def find_lowest_path(graph): processed = set() costs = {} parents = {} for n in graph['start'].keys(): costs[n] = graph['start'][n] parents[n] = 'start' node = find_lowest_cost_node(costs, processed) while node is not None: cost = costs[node] if node in graph: neighbors = graph[node] for n in neighbors.keys(): new_cost = cost + neighbors[n] if n not in costs or costs[n] > new_cost: costs[n] = new_cost parents[n] = node processed.add(node) node = find_lowest_cost_node(costs, processed) print(costs['fin']) str = 'fin' parent = parents['fin'] while parent in parents: str = parent + '->' + str parent = parents[parent] print('start->' + str) graph = {} graph['start'] = {} graph['start']['a'] = 3 graph['start']['b'] = 5 graph['a'] = {} graph['a']['c'] = 6 graph['b'] = {} graph['b']['fin'] = 14 graph['c'] = {} graph['c']['fin'] = 1 print(graph) find_lowest_path(graph) graph1 = {} graph1['start'] = {} graph1['start']['a'] = 5 graph1['start']['b'] = 2 graph1['b'] = {} graph1['b']['a'] = 8 graph1['b']['d'] = 7 graph1['a'] = {} graph1['a']['c'] = 4 graph1['a']['d'] = 2 graph1['c'] = {} graph1['c']['d'] = 6 graph1['c']['fin'] = 3 graph1['d'] = {} graph1['d']['fin'] = 1 print(graph1) find_lowest_path(graph1)
时间复杂度 O(n2)
8. 贪婪算法
8.1. 教室调度问题
8.2. 背包问题
8.3. 集合覆盖问题
stations = {} stations["k1"] = {"id", "nv", "ut"} stations["k2"] = {"wa", "id", "mt"} stations["k3"] = {"or", "nv", "ca"} stations["k4"] = {"nv", "ut"} stations["k5"] = {"ca", "az"} # 找出覆盖所有 states 的最小的集合, def find_min(stations): result_stations = set() states_covered = set() while True: best_states = set() best_station = None for station, states in stations.items(): if station not in result_stations: covered = states - states_covered if len(covered) > len(best_states): best_states = covered best_station = station if best_station == None: break result_stations.add(best_station) states_covered = states_covered | best_states return result_stations print(find_min(stations))
8.4. NP完全问题
诸如 旅行商人问题 集合覆盖问题 ,需要计算所有的解,并从中选取最小的那个,以难解著称的问题。 这类问题一般采用近似求解